Library of Mistakes
The day the bankers went to prison
The ruin of the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878 was the biggest collapse in British banking history – until 2008. Its story contains salutary lessons for bankers in any age. The event was surprisingly full for a cold, wet winter night in Edinburgh. But the Library of Mistakes knows how to sell a good…
Cyprus: repeating history’s mistakes
The parents of Cyprus Central Bank Governor Demetriades did their son no favours when they christened him Panicos. If, as seems likely, he loses the job he took up less than a year ago and returns to UK academic life it is not hard to guess what his nickname will be.
The Library of Mistakes
Whenever I meet Russell Napier he’s cheerful, which is surprising since he has made a living out of pessimism – or, more exactly, grave doubts about the ability of many of his fellow finance professionals to learn the lessons of the past.