Hubris: How HBOS Wrecked the Best Bank in Britain



In 1995 Bank of Scotland celebrated 300 years as Britain’s oldest commercial bank. Voted ‘most admired bank’, respected by competitors, applauded by investors and trusted by customers, it looked forward to the next three hundred. Less than 15 years later it was bust, reviled as part of the spectacular collapse of HBOS, the conglomerate it had joined. One of the high-profile victims of the credit crunch, its spectacular fall caused seismic shock waves throughout the financial world. What went wrong?

Ray Perman, who has followed the Bank since the 1970s when he was a Financial Times journalist, uncovered the story from documents and dozens of interviews with people at the top in Bank of Scotland and HBOS – from being the bank of choice for the high-rolling Monte Carlo mega-rich to losing £10 billion.

It is a cautionary tale for our times. In the complex world of modern global finance, the brilliant men who ran the company ignored the simple banking rules that their predecessors learned the hard way three centuries before.

You can read more about the book on its own website ( coming soon) and buy direct   from Birlinn or Amazon.


One response to “Hubris: How HBOS Wrecked the Best Bank in Britain”

  1. […] included Ray Perman, former FT journalist and author of Hubris: How HBOS Wrecked The Best Bank In Britain, who asked some powerful questions about regulatory failure in the light of the conclusions of […]